LEGION RIDERS Information on Louisiana American Legion Posts sponsoring LEGION RIDERS groups and on the National LEGION RIDERS organization
National Convention - American Legacy Run 2008 Information |
For information on the 2008 American Legacy Run, please click the following link, then scroll down page to article. AMERICAN LEGACY RUN 2008
American Legion Riders Group Sponsored By Post 14 Shreveport |
Lowe-MarFarlane Post 14 in Shreveport is sponsoring a group of the American Legion Riders. Legionnaires from all Posts in the 4th District are invited to join and enjoy the camaraderie, good times, and the accomplishments that are in the future of the organization. For additional information about the Riders or to join the organization, please contact group Director Claude "Sonny" Pearson at 903-766-3914. The Riders Secretary is Denise Winkler and she can be reached at 318-925-0250. We welcome your inquiry. Rider groups have already been established in many American Legion Districts throughout Louisiana and are active in supporting the programs of our great organization. Enjoy your hobby even more with veteran friends and fellow Legionnaires. Call today!
Abbeville Post 29 Forms Motorcycle Club |
FROM ABBEVILLE POST #29 Willie Hymel, Commander Abbeville Post 29 has formed a Legion Motorcycle Club. Any Legionnaire, SAL, or Auxiliary Member that is interested can call Pat Dore, 337-893-8869, for more information.
General Information For Posts Forming A Legion Riders Chapter |
Since the passage of Resolution 35 last fall by the National Executive Committee, many Department Headquarters, state American Legion Riders Chairmen, and individual Posts have asked for sample guidelines or templates to follow when constructing a basic document for the formation of an American Legion Riders Chapter at Post or Department level. Like the "Suggested Post Bylaws" contained in the Officers Guide, this is a very simple template that most ALR programs will want to add to or adapt to local programs. This is encouraged but local programs must not ignore the basic membership requirements defined within. These templates do not constitute a national constitution for the ALR. State and local programs are encouraged to add to the basic document, which reflects the vision of most of the Riders nationally. For example, additions to the basic document may include definitions of Supporting Riders or Junior riders (for teen and younger SAL/Jr. AUX members) not used by all programs. Full membership in the ALR is not allowed for anyone not meeting the basic eligibility requirements, but many Posts have allowed for the participation of non-Legion Family supporters and family members younger than driving age. With the provision that there is only one class of membership (full membership), such supporting classes are not prohibited by these templates, and in fact all Posts and Chapters are encouraged to find ways for non-members to participate in all programs, not just the American Legion Riders. Click on each respective link below to print a copy of the suggested Constitution and By-Laws template and the Release/Waiver template.