"News & Views" Newsletter
"Louisiana Legionnaire" Information
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May 2007 |
Click the link below to print the latest copy of the NEWS & VIEWS. NOTE: You will need legal size paper (8 1/2 x 14) to print the newsletter properly. (4 pages)
"LOUISIANA LEGIONNAIRE" NEWSPAPER The American Legion, Department of Louisiana 1885 Wooddale Boulevard, Suite 1110 Baton Rouge, LA 70806 225-923-1945, toll free 800-923-3924 FAX 225-923-3980
What's Ahead In The "Legionnaire" |
TAKING THE PLEDGE At the Department Convention in Alexandria recently, National Vice Commander Byron White addressed the attendees. At the conclusion of his address, he read a statement of things to which we should commit ourselves. The audience stood, raised their right hands and joined in the Pledge. It was a very moving moment. Responding to numerous requests for this Pledge, THE LOUISIANA LEGIONNAIRE will publish it in the forthcoming issue for your individual usage. "BOCKS CAR" Response to the interview with "Enola Gay" pilot Paul Tibbets in the last issue of THE LOUISIANA LEGIONNAIRE was tremendous. As suggested by one respondent, we will follow up on this general topic by publishing the story of "Bocks Car" and her crew in the next issue. This is the plane and crew that was responsible for ending WWII with their famous mission over Nagasaki.
To All Posts and Districts |
TO ALL DISTRICTS, POSTS, AND MEMBERS: We invite you to send news of what's happening in your area to be published in the newsletter. Please send your submissions to Dept. HQ or call 225-923-1945.
Submissions for the "Louisiana Legionnaire" are to be mailed to Department Adjuant David Simon at Dept. HQ or email them to adjutant@americanlegion.ntcmail.net. For questions about submitting articles, you can call 225-923-1945. District and Post News articles will also be added to the LA Legion's Website under the proper headings. We cannot use pictures with the newsletter; however, we CAN run any pictures you may include on the Website and in the "Louisiana Legionnaire". Articles for the "Louisiana Legionnaire" can also be submitted to Hank Kwiatkowski at hankster4@juno.com